
Monday, March 25, 2019

Time Event  
09:40 - 18:10 Workshop on Digital Topology and Mathematical Morphology  
18:10 - 20:00 Welcome Cocktail at ESIEE Paris  

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Time Event  
08:15 - 08:45 Registration  
08:45 - 09:00 Opening  
09:00 - 10:00 Keynote Talk - Alexandre Falcão (chaired by Laurent Najman)  
09:00 - 10:00 › The Role of Optimum Connectivity in Image Segmentation: Can the algorithm learn object information during the process? - Alexandre Falcão, University of Campinas - Jordão Bragantini, University of Campinas  
10:00 - 10:50 Graph-based Models, Analysis and Segmentation - 1 - (chaired by Walter G. Kropatsch)  
10:00 - 10:25 › A study of observation scales based on Felzenswalb-Huttenlocher dissimilarity measure for hierarchical segmentation - Edward Jorge Yuri Cayllahua Cahuina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, LIGM - Jean Cousty, LIGM - Silvio Guimarães, PUC Minas - Yukiko Kenmochi, LIGM - Guillermo Camara-Chavez, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araujo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, LIGM  
10:25 - 10:50 › Graph-based Segmentation with Local Band Constraints - Caio Braz, University of São Paulo - Paulo A. V. Miranda, University of São Paulo - Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski, West Virginia University - Fábio A.M. Cappabianco, Universidade Federal de São Paulo  
10:50 - 11:20 Coffee Break  
11:20 - 12:35 Geometric Computation - 1 - (chaired by Isabelle Sivignon)  
11:20 - 11:45 › Efficient Algorithms to Test Digital Convexity - Loïc Crombez, LIMOS - Guiherme D. da Fonseca, LIMOS - Yan Gérard, LIMOS  
11:45 - 12:10 › Compact packings of the plane with three sizes of discs - Thomas Fernique, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord - Amir Hashemi, Isfahan University of Technology - Olga Sizova, Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics  
12:10 - 12:35 › Unfolding Level 1 Menger Polycubes of Arbitrary Size With Help of Outer Faces - Lydie Richaume, XLIM - Eric Andres, XLIM - Gaelle Largeteau-Skapin, XLIM - Rita Zrour, XLIM  
12:35 - 13:45 Lunch  
13:45 - 15:00 Discrete Topology - (chaired by Kalman Palagyi)  
13:45 - 14:10 › One more step towards well-composedness of cell complexes over nD pictures - Nicolas Boutry, Laboratoire de Recherche et de Développement de lÉPITA - Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz, Universidad de Sevilla - Maria-Jose Jimenez, Universidad de Sevilla  
14:10 - 14:35 › Filtration Simplification for Persistent Homology via Edge Contraction - Tamal K. Dey, Ohio State University - Ryan Slechta, Ohio State University  
14:35 - 15:00 › On the space between critical points - Walter G. Kropatsch, TU Wien - Rocio M. Casablanca, University of Seville - Darshan Batavia, TU Wien - Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz, University of Seville  
15:00 - 15:10 Poster Session - Poster Teaser  
15:00 - 15:01 › Distance transform based on weight sequences - Benedek Nagy, Eastern Mediterranean University - Robin Strand, Uppsala University - Nicolas Normand, Université de Nantes  
15:01 - 15:02 › Rigid Motions in the Cubic Grid: A Discussion on Topological Issues - Nicolas Passat, CReSTIC - Yukiko Kenmochi, LIGM - Phuc Ngo, LORIA - Kacper Pluta, Technion  
15:02 - 15:03 › Single scan granulometry estimation from an asymmetric distance map - Nicolas Normand, Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes  
15:03 - 15:04 › Polygon Approximations of the Euclidean Circles on the Square Grid by Broadcasting Sequences - Haomin Song, University of Liverpool - Igoer Potapov, University of Liverpool  
15:04 - 15:05 › A spatial convexity descriptor for object enlacement - Sara Brunetti, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e scienze matematiche [Siena] - Péter Balázs, University of Szeged - Péter Bodnár, University of Szeged - Judit Szűcs, University of Szeged  
15:05 - 15:06 › A Discrete Bisector Function Based on Annulus - Sangbé Sibide, XLIM - Rita Zrour, XLIM - Eric Andres, XLIM - Gaelle Largeteau-Skapin, XLIM  
15:06 - 15:07 › Non-Centered Voronoi Skeletons - Maximilian Langer, TU Wien - Aysylu Gabdulkhakova, TU Wien - Walter G. Kropatsch, TU Wien  
15:07 - 15:08 › The propagated skeleton: a robust detail-preserving approach - Bastien Durix, Université de Toulouse - Sylvie Chambon, Université de Toulouse - Kathryn Leonard, Occidental College - Jean-Luc Mari, Laboratoire dÍnformatique et Systèmes - Géraldine Morin, Université de Toulouse  
15:08 - 15:09 › A New Entropy for Hypergraphs - Isabelle Bloch, LTCI, Télécom ParisTech - Alain Bretto, Université de Caen  
15:09 - 15:10 › Straight line reconstruction for fully materialized table extraction in degraded document images - Héloı̈se Alhéritière, Laboratoire Informatique, Image et Interaction, Laboratoire d'Informatique Paris Descartes - Walid Amïeur, Laboratoire d'Informatique Paris Descartes - Florence Cloppet, Laboratoire d'Informatique Paris Descartes - Camille Kurtz, Laboratoire d'Informatique Paris Descartes - Jean-Marc Ogier, Laboratoire Informatique, Image et Interaction - Nicole Vincent, Laboratoire d'Informatique Paris Descartes  
15:10 - 17:00 Poster Session - with Coffee  
19:00 - 21:00 Cocktail on the Seine  

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Time Event  
09:00 - 09:50 Mathematical Morphology - (chaired by Paulo A. V. Miranda)  
09:00 - 09:25 › Recognizing hierarchical watersheds - Deise S. Maia, Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge - Jean Cousty, Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge - Laurent Najman, Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge - Benjamin Perret, Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge  
09:25 - 09:50 › Minimal Component-Hypertrees - Alexandre Morimitsu, Universidade de São Paulo - Wonder A. L. Alves, Universidade Nove de Julho - Dennis J. Silva, Universidade de São Paulo - Charles F. Gobber, Universidade Nove de Julho - Ronaldo F. Hashimoto, Universidade de São Paulo  
09:50 - 10:40 Applications - (chaired by Atsushi Imiya)  
09:50 - 10:15 › Morphological Networks for Image De-raining - Ranjan Mondal, Indian Statistical Institute - Pulak Purkait, The University of Adelaide - Sanchayan Santra, Indian Statistical Institute - Bhabatosh Chanda, Indian Statistical Institute  
10:15 - 10:40 › Vector-based Morphological Operations On Polygons Using Straight Skeletons For Digital Pathology - Daniel Felipe González Obando, Institut Pasteur - Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Institut Pasteur - Laurent Wendling, Université Paris Descartes - Vannary Meas-Yedid, Institut Pasteur  
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee break  
11:10 - 12:50 Discrete Geometric Models and Transforms - 1 - (chaired by Isabelle Debled-Rennesson)  
11:10 - 11:35 › Digital Curvature Evolution Model for Image Segmentation - Daniel Antunes, LAMA - Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, LAMA - Hugues Talbot, CentraleSupélec Université Paris-Saclay  
11:35 - 12:00 › Local turn-boundedness: a curvature control for a good digitization - Étienne Le Quentrec, ICube - Loïc Mazo, ICube - Étienne Baudrier, ICube - Mohamed Tajine, ICube  
12:00 - 12:25 › Rhombic Dodecahedron Grid — Coordinate System and 3D Digital Object Definitions - Ranita Biswas, Indian Institute of Technology - Gaelle Largeteau-Skapin, XLIM - Rita Zrour, XLIM - Eric Andres, XLIM  
12:25 - 12:50 › Facet Connectedness of Arithmetic Discrete Hyperplanes With Non-Zero Shift - Eric Domenjoud, LORIA - Bastien Laboureix, ENS - Cachan - Laurent Vuillon, LAMA  
12:50 - 14:15 Photo + Lunch  
14:15 - 15:15 Keynote Talk - Longin Jan Latecki - (chaired by Nicolas Passat)  
14:15 - 15:15 › Common Object Discovery as Local Search for Maximum Weight Cliques in a Global Object Similarity Graph - Cong Rao, Temple University - Yi Fan, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Griffith University - Kaile Su, Guilin University of Electronic Technology - Longin Jan Latecki, Temple University  
15:15 - 16:00 Meeting - DGtal (15 min) + TC18 (30 min)  
16:00 - 17:00 Poster Session - with Coffee  
19:00 - 22:00 Banquet at Saint-Germain-des-Prés  

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Time Event  
09:00 - 10:00 Keynote Talk - János Pach - (chaired by Nabil Mustafa)  
09:00 - 10:00 › The blessing of low dimensionality - János Pach, EPFL  
10:00 - 10:50 Shape Representation, Recognition and Analysis - (chaired by Eric Andres)  
10:00 - 10:25 › Digital Plane Recognition With Fewer Probes - Tristan Rroussillon, LIRIS - Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, Univeristé Savoie Mont Blanc  
10:25 - 10:50 › Dual Approaches for Elliptic Hough Transform: Eccentricity/Orientation vs Center based - Philippe Latour, University of Liege - Marc Van Droogenbroeck, University of Liege  
10:50 - 11:20 Coffee break  
11:20 - 12:35 Graph-based Models, Analysis and Segmentation - 2 - (chaired by Jacques-Olivier Lachaud)  
11:20 - 11:45 › Optimization of Max-Norm Objective Functions in Image Processing and Computer Vision - Filip Malmberg, Uppsala University - Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski, West Virginia University - Robin Strand, Uppsala University  
11:45 - 12:10 › Reconstruction of the Crossing Type of a Point Set from the Compatible Exchange Graph of Noncrossing Spanning Trees - Marcos Oropeza, California State University, Northridge - Csaba D. Tóth, Tufts University, California State University, Northridge  
12:10 - 12:35 › On the degree sequence of 3-uniform hypergraph - Andrea Frosini, Università di Firenze - Christophe Picouleau, Centre d'études et de recherche en informatique et communications  
12:35 - 13:45 Lunch  
13:45 - 15:00 Geometric Computation - 2 - (chaired by Robin Strand)  
13:45 - 14:10 › Average Curve of n Digital Curves - Isabelle Sivignon, Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique (GIPSA-lab)  
14:10 - 14:35 › Convex and Concave Vertices on a Simple Closed Curve in the Triangular Grid - Lidija Čomić, University of Novi Sad  
14:35 - 15:00 › Convex Aggregation Problems in Z^2 - Yan Gérard, LIMOS  
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break  
15:30 - 16:20 Discrete Geometric Models and Transforms - 2 - (chaired by David Coeurjolly)  
15:30 - 15:55 › Digital Two-dimensional Bijective Reflection and Associated Rotation - Eric Andres, XLIM - Mousumi Dutt, St. Thomas' College of Engineering and Technology - Arindam Biswas, Indian of Engineering Science and Technology - Gaelle Largeteau-Skapin, XLIM - Rita Zrour, XLIM  
15:55 - 16:20 › Stochastic Distance Transform - Johan Öfverstedt, Uppsala University - Joakim Lindblad, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Uppsala University - Nataša Sladoje, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Uppsala University  
16:20 - 16:30 Closing  

Friday, March 29, 2019

Time Event  
09:30 - 13:30 Workshop on Approximation Algorithms: Combinatorics, Geometry and Statistics  
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch  
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